OUR OFFICE IS CLOSED FROM JULY 12 - 21, AND SHIPPING RESUMES ON JULY 22. *** Free shipping for Canadian orders $75 & over; free shipping for U.S orders $200 & over.

Introducing Kimmy, founder, visionary, heart & soul behind Whisk Premium Matcha. It all started with her frequent travel to Japan with her dad for work, to a growing obsession on matcha sweets, to starting her own matcha brand, and now she becomes an organic competition-grade matcha purveyor.

matcha tea farm

She visits hundreds of tea farms in Japan every year to learn about matcha with an open mind, be it organic, conventional, mass-produced or family-owned. Every tea farm has their own unique way of planting, growing, fertilizing, picking, blending, and processing matcha, and that really helps Kimmy understand better about agriculture, organic farming, and tea culture in depth. 

She works side-by-side with tea farmers, and she's bringing the same dedication and commitment to fair trade, organic, and high quality products.