Why matcha is good for you?
Because of its meticulous production process, you’re consuming the entire tea leaves which contain full nutrients such as high concentration of green tea antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Besides, by drinking Matcha you can also ingest oil soluble constituents (Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Beta-carotene, etc.), which are not extracted into water when brewed. Brewing tea in the traditional way is kind of like eating spinach by boiling it in a pot but throwing out the vegetable and just drinking spinach water, you end up chucking 80% of the nutritional value and benefits into the compost bin.
Matcha has an amino acid called L-Theanine; L-Theanine can improve mental focus and clarity in a slow-released way. It won’t give you the jittery feeling that coffee does to your body. Matcha tea leaves need to be covered from direct sunlight for 20 – 30 days before harvest. This shading process boosts the plants’ chlorophyll level; chlorophyll is a natural detoxifier that will cleanse the heavy metal and daily pollution out of your body. You'll feel like a whole new you with every cup of good matcha.
A chart below shows matcha's antioxidant capacity compared to other superfoods.
Note: ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) - ORAC units measure the antioxidant capacity of foods.