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Fluffy Matcha Pancake

matcha pancake

This recipe is super easy (100% foolproof) and tastes amazing. No buttermilk or "soured" milk required. You will get this light and fluffy matcha pancake ready in less than 15 minutes!

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

2 tsp baking powder

2 tsp Whisk Matcha Everyday Grade

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 cup sugar

1 & 1/4 cup milk

1 large egg

3 tbsp avocado oil (or other liquid oil alternatives)

Toppings: organic honey, plain Greek yogurt, strawberries & blueberries.


1. In a medium bowl, mix together flour, sugar, salt, matcha powder, and baking powder

2. Mix milk, egg, and oil together

3. Pour the milk mixture into the dry ingredients

4. Blend in low speed until well incorporate (no lumps!)

5. Heat up the skillet and spray cooking oil

6. Scoop 1/4 cup of pancake batter onto the skillet, and turn the heat down to medium - low

7. The pancake surface will become bubbly when it's ready for a flip. Cook each side about 3 minutes until it turns golden brown.

8. Drizzle honey or maple syrup over the stack, and scoop plain Greek yogurt and berries on the top. 

Now snap a photo, share and enjoy!

Matcha fluffy pancake


#whiskmatcha #matchawhisker @whiskmatcha

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Matcha Chia Pudding by Dr. Julie Zeitlhuber

by: Dr. Julie Zeitlhuber, Food Scientist, Certified Nutritionist, Personal Trainer, & Arthur. 

Ready To Nourish

My Matcha obsession is a little bit out of control lately so even my chia puddings get a nice dosage of the magical green powder. This pudding is one of my favorite breakfast options at the moment. You can make it ahead of time or the night before, it is a nutrition bomb, tastes incredible and is pretty too. You have to try it. Prepare the chia base the night before and you don't have to hustle in the morning to find a healthy nutritious breakfast. Just add some fruit, granola, nuts, nut butter, seeds, coconut... You can even store it in the fridge for up to 3 days!

Matcha is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. There is hardly any food that contains such high amounts of antioxidants, which fight free radicals and benefit our health immensely. Another nutrient called L-Theanine makes matcha a superfood. Thanks to the subtle caffeine and the amino acid L-theanine, matcha calms the mind and relaxes the body, it enhances mood and aids concentration. Make sure you purchase a high-quality matcha powder, it will be worth it! My personal favorite is Whisk Premium Matcha (use discount code "READYTONOURISH" for 10% off) 


Matcha Chia Pudding

Serves 2

1 cup non-dairy milk (I used homemade almond milk)

1/4 cup chia seeds

1-2 Tbsp Maple syrup

1.5 tsp Matcha Powder


Toppings of your choice

(Homemade Granola)


Add all ingredients for the chia pudding into a jar, put the lid on and shake

Put into fridge for about 10 min

Shake occasionally, divide between two glasses and add toppings

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Fluffy Matcha Pancakes (plant based)

What's holding back from many people becoming vegan is that they're afraid of sacrifices - like this one, for example, giving up on pancake no more. Having a nice IHOP meal on a Sunday morning was something my whole family looking forward to once a while. I've been quite determined to try as many vegan recipes as possible, to bring back what has been missing from our old comforting rituals.

Matcha pancake, in particular, I'd like to have very stand-out matcha flavour with the right amount of sweetness. Fluffiness is definitely a bonus, and I think this time I've found a very good trick to make it fluffy without burning the two sides while leaving a undercooked centre. I will reveal it below.


  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 2 tbsp Organic Everyday Matcha
  • 1 1/2 cups almond or soy milk. I used organic soy milk this time because I was out of almond milk
  • 3 tbsp brown sugar or coconut palm sugar
  • 3 tbsp canola or avocado oil
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt (skip this if your vegan butter is salted)
  • vegan buttery spread or canola oil spray  *personally I prefer canola oil spray because it doesn't brown easily.


  1. Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl.
  2. Add wet ingredients
  3. Melt a teaspoon of vegan buttery spread or use oil spray in a large frying pan over low to medium heat. 
  4. Scope the batter into the pan (I used a lever ice cream scoop), and let it brown each side for about one minute each as my pan heats up very quickly. 
  5. Cover the lid to create a slight steam in the pan - this will fluff the pancake without burning nor undercooking the centre. 
  6. Serve with maple syrup and fruits of your choice
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