U1 | Premium Organic Uji Matcha - Everyday Grade
Unlike some Everyday grades from other brands which usually use second or third harvest tealeaves, our Organic Everyday grade matcha is an artisanal blend of two premium grades of matcha tea leaves directly from family-run tea farms in Kyoto, Japan.
The family-run farms have been growing tea plants in organic soil for generations, ensuring that each bowl of matcha is enriched with nutrients and free from pesticides and chemicals.
Harvested only once a year in spring, Whisk Premium Matcha are guaranteed to be fresh and flavoursome.
Flavour Profile: young asparagus, oceanic brine, robust, hint of red fruits, sweet finish.
Matcha contains loads of antioxidants, which act as anti-inflammatory, alkalizing and detoxifying agents in the body.
Whisk Organic Everyday is best for making matcha latte & cold brew. Click here for brewing instructions
Product Retail Location:
The Federal Store - 30g only
2601 Quebec St, Vancouver, BC V5T 3A6
(778) 379-2605
Fresh St. Market - 30g only
Check locations at https://www.freshstmarket.com/