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The story behind our organic competition grade matcha

5 years ago today, I met Nakanishi san, one of the best and appraised organic tea farmers in Japan.
Whisk wouldn’t be what it is today without Nakanishi san. His competition grade organic matcha is rare and highly sought-after; it instantly won my heart 5 years ago, and still does today. I didn’t have a brick-and-mortar store at the time, so selling these precious matcha was pretty difficult. I was mostly living off by doing matcha tastings on AirBnb Experiences. I’ve been truly grateful that he’s willing to sell his matcha to me when I didn’t have much business for him😅, and that he respected me as a female entrepreneur (ahem - unlike other big corps 🤨). Nakanishi san’s matcha is also the main reason for me to open a cafe, so I can actually serve it to more people in Vancouver.

appraised tea farm in Kyoto
I was trying to build a strong branding for Whisk, so I’ve kept Nakanishi san as my best-kept secret! He’s the one that grows, harvests, processes, and packs all of our competition organic matcha: Kuri, Kikyo, Ume, and recently Asahi, from his tea farm directly to us in Vancouver!
It hasn’t been easy to have this “secret” as sometimes people would like to find out the producer of our matcha, some with good intentions and some don’t. I kept my mouth zipped until today 😅   ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Why today? Because Facebook has reminded me that it’s been 5 years since we bond strongly with this independent, micro-lot, award-winning, organic tea farm in Kyoto. It brings me a lot of good memories and emotions, and also how much I truly appreciate his hard work, for the nature, environment and our health. I look forward to many more years to come to serve Nakanishi san’s matcha.
本当に本当にありがとうございます 中西さん!


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